informationOur airport terminal opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight of the day.
Precinct Plan
Airside Precinct
Support and maintain the ongoing general aviation operations of Port Hedland International Airport.
Accommodate expected future growth while delivering a safe and optimal level of service.
Provide for land uses that are aviation related or public purpose uses that do not compromise its primary airport function.
Northern Precinct
Accommodate a range of 'passive' land uses that do not detract from the safe and efficient operation of the Port Hedland International Airport.
Have a high standard of presentation and built form as the Precinct is visible from the Great Northern Highway interchange.
Respond to the constraints for the Northern Precinct, including limited access and the hydrological and topographical features of the land.
Terminal & General Aviation Precinct
Facilitate activities that complement the primary function of the passenger terminal through the provision of short-term accommodation, retail, and hospitality services.
Enhance the amenity and experience for those travelling to Port Hedland by plane and act as a 'gateway' to Port Hedland through high quality design, built form, landscaping, and streetscapes.
Provide for land uses that do not compromise the potential future expansion of passenger terminal operations and other aviation related infrastructure.
Freight Precinct
Facilitate a range of freight and logistical activities as well as community facilities that support and complement the adjoining workforce accommodation and airport operations.
Provide for land uses that do not compromise the potential future expansion of terminal operations associated with the 'Terminal & General Aviation' Precinct.
Highway Precinct
Provide for land uses that benefit from a close proximity to Great Northern Highway including service and commercial land use that are capable of co-existing with existing workforce accommodation sites.
Have a high standard of presentation and built form as the Precinct is visible from Great Northern Highway.
Airport Industrial Park Precinct
Provide for a broad range of industrial, service and storage activities which, by the nature of their operations, should be isolated from short-term accommodation and other sensitive land uses.
Seek to manage impacts such as noise, dust, and odour within the Precinct.
Provide opportunity for development that requires RAV 10 access from Great Northern Highway through the 'Highway Precinct' and future road connection to Kingsford Smith Business Park.
Light Industry / Warehouse Precinct
Facilitate typical light industrial, commercial and supply chain logistical activities servicing the operations of the Port Hedland International Airport and broader Port Hedland business community.
Provide for land uses that benefit from larger leasehold lots with a close proximity to Port Hedland International Airport, including temporary short-term accommodation uses that do not prejudice the longer-term development of the Precinct for light industry and warehouse land uses.
Manage the potential for land use conflict where any development adjoins any short-term accommodation use, by ensuring the development suitably mitigates or manages impacts such as noise, dust, and odour.
Compliment the adjoining Kingsford Smith Business Park, zoned SU2, through the provision of high quality design, built form and streetscapes.
Interface Precinct
Manage the potential for land use conflict by establishing a buffer between interim sensitive land uses within the 'Light Industry / Warehouse Precinct' and the 'Airport Industrial Park Precinct'.
Accommodate facilities that are compatible with any temporary workforce accommodation facilities located in the 'Light Industry / Warehouse Precinct'.