informationOur airport terminal opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight of the day.

Airport to Undertake Emergency Exercise

11 September 2019

Port Hedland International Airport (PHIA) will be conducting an emergency exercise on Saturday 21 September, 2019 to test its aerodrome emergency plan and communications procedures during a major incident at the Airport.

The exercise will take place between 7.30am and 12.30pm involving airport staff, emergency services personnel and community volunteers.

Exercise ‘Black Kite’ gives PHIA an opportunity to assess its procedures and training to ensure that any emergency is managed in a professional manner, in collaboration with emergency and community responders.

PHIA General Manager, Rod Evans said “Exercise Black Kite allows the Airport Operations team to work closely with the community’s emergency services network in an airport environment. This is an important preparedness activity and permits us to test all aspects in a simulated situation”.

Port Hedland International Airport acknowledges all the organisations involved as well as the community members undertaking professional makeup and participation as victims in the simulation. Interested volunteers should register with Airport Operations for an info pack.

PHIA advises people visiting or in the vicinity of the Airport to be aware but not alarmed by the emergency services activity being undertaken as part of this exercise.

Editors note: Media will able to access the airside area during the exercise, by authorised appointment. Media pre-registration is required by Wed 18 September.


Media Liaison: Brett Karran, Exercise Director, Port Hedland International Airport (08) 0414 494 808
Media and Volunteer registration: Airport Operations Administration [email protected] 9160 0500