informationOur airport terminal opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight of the day.

Call for New Committee Member to Shape Airport Direction

1 May 2013

Strategic thinkers, aviation specialists and business leaders are being sought to join the Town of Port Hedland’s Airport Committee.

Mayor Kelly Howlett said that a new member was being recruited following the resignation of a committee member earlier this year.

“We are looking for expression of interests from individuals keen to make a difference and help shape the future direction of the Port Hedland International Airport,” Mayor Howlett said.

“Our airport is about to embark on a major $70.5 million redevelopment that will create a modern and well-serviced airport that provides a welcoming gateway to the North West.

“The Airport Committee has a key role is supporting the Town of Port Hedland Council to set the strategic vision and blueprint for its redevelopment.

“The redevelopment will include refurbishments, infrastructure upgrades, new subdivisions and new business opportunities.”
Mayor Howlett said the Airport Committee is made up of

Councillors and community members.
“The Committee has delegated functions under the Local Government Act 1995 and meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:30pm in Council Chambers.

“If you want to be part of this exciting committee and make a mark on the future development of the Port Hedland International Airport, then we want to hear from you.”

Interested individuals can submit an application, in writing, addressed to the Town of Port Hedland, PO Box 41, Port Hedland, WA 6721 by close of business Wednesday 15 May 2013.

Applications should include a brief CV and a letter stating your interest in the Committee.

For further information, contact the Town’s Governance Co-ordinator Josephine Bianchi at [email protected] or on 9158 9317.