informationOur airport terminal opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight of the day.

Community Invited to Get the Facts on Potential Long-Term Lease or Port Hedland International Airport

14 July 2015

Community members are invited to get involved in a series of community conversations and take the opportunity to inform themselves about the facts on the proposed long-term lease of the Port Hedland International Airport.

Two additional community conversation forums to discuss the progress and next steps in determining the best outcome for Port Hedland. The forums will be held at will be held at ibis Styles at 5.30pm on Monday 20 July and Tuesday 28 July.

Community members not able to attend the forums can download the presentations and fact sheets from the Town’s website.

The Town has been discussing the governance structure of the airport since 2013 and looking at options to see if there is a more efficient way of operating the airport – reviews have indicated that a long-term lease would be an appropriate model for our airport.

At its June meeting, Council has endorsed the next stage of the process – to seek binding bids from potential operators. These bids are binding on the potential lessee and not on Council until it makes its final decision. This follows an expression of interest process and public consultation on the major land transaction business plan in April and May and a non-binding bid process which is currently under evaluation.

Given the potential value of the lump-sum lease premium Council also resolved to form a working group to develop a framework on the Town’s administration of the premium. The working group met last week and will continue to convene to work through a potential framework should Council resolve to lease the airport. This includes the establishment of key governance principles for the management and establishment of a framework for the prudential stewardship of the lease premium. The governing principles under consideration include the establishment of a wealth or trust fund.

The group includes representatives from the Town of Port Hedland’s audit, risk and governance committee members, representatives from the Western Australian Treasury Corporation, local organisations and professional advisors as required.

RSVP to [email protected] or call 9158 9300.

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