informationOur airport terminal opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight of the day.

North West Air Route Connectivity Survey Launched

6 October 2015

A new survey campaign to gauge public demand to air flight routes connecting regional, interstate and international destinations directly from northern Western Australia has been launched.

The regional Air Route Connectivity Survey also aims to identify tourism opportunities, future business growth and accessibility to education and regional services at 15 participating airports covering 11 local government areas.

Town of Port Hedland Acting Chief Executive Officer Sid Jain said that the Town was delighted to participate and welcomed the survey’s findings.

“The Town of Port Hedland remains committed to ensuring our community continue to experience the advantages from our international airport” said Mr. Jain.

“Council recently resolved an historic decision to lease the airport to AMP Capital and Infrastructure Capital Group in a transaction that will see continued growth and investment in our airport, ensuring our airport continues to provide for the needs of our community.

“During our extensive community consultation sessions during the governance review of Port Hedland International Airport, the community indicated that they wanted to see the development of new routes and flight destinations, as well as a consideration for lower flight costs, further development of the airport and education opportunities that our community could benefit from.

“I encourage all users of Port Hedland International Airport and those who use any of WA’s regional air services to participate in this survey and assist in shaping the future of the aviation industry in regional WA.

“The survey has been developed following discussions at this year’s North Western Australia Airports Forum hosted by the Town of Port Hedland in July, where the theme of the one day conference focussed increasing connectivity across the North West.

There is a survey for each airport involved in the campaign, which is running over six weeks including Broome, Carnarvon, Derby, Exmouth, Fitzroy Crossing, Geraldton, Halls Creek, Karratha, Kununurra, Newman, Onslow, Pannawonica, Paraburdoo, Port Hedland and Shark Bay.

The survey development was coordinated by Shire of Exmouth and was officially launched by Member for Pilbara Brendon Grylls MLA last week. It is available online and at and

For more information:
Alison Kenny, Senior Communications Officer
(08) 9158 9355
[email protected]