informationOur airport terminal opens 90 minutes prior to the first scheduled flight of the day.


Community engagement

Our Airport Community

Port Hedland School of the Air

Royal Flying Doctor Service

Activities in our community

St John WA is partnering with Port Hedland International Airport (PHIA) to provide publicly accessible defibrillators to priority locations in the Hedland community.

These defibrillators will be available 24 hours a day to the public and may be the difference between life and death in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.

St John Hedland Station Manager, Shauna Quirk said partnerships like this one were vital in building community resilience.

The new defibrillators will be located at:

  • Port Hedland Police Station
  • Port Hedland Dome Café
  • Port Hedland Yacht Club
  • South Hedland Police Station
  • South Hedland - The Homestead Centre Throssell Road
  • South Hedland Lotteries House
  • Wanangkura Stadium
  • Civic Centre

There are currently more than 4,788 defibrillators registered to the St John Community First Responder (CFR) program.

The program aims to get defibrillators to cardiac arrest victims in the vital minutes before an ambulance arrives.

PHIA values our relationship with the St John Hedland team and the vital services they deliver where we live and work. We appreciate their participation in our airport emergency exercises and their first aid supplies and servicing. PHIA has invested in roading, lighting and infrastructure improvements for ambulance access to the airfield.

PHIA has contributed $15,000 towards a range of initiatives, including the new defibrillators, 75 volunteer-designed shirts for the ‘Green Dream Team’ ambulance volunteers and contribution towards a community BBQ trailer.

Tom Price
Pretty Pool 2
Onslow 5